American Rescue Plan Act (HEERF III)

Federal Emergency Grant: Student Distribution

Congress, 通过2021年《赌博十大靠谱软件》(ARP),为高等教育机构纳入了第三轮高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF III). 好的赌博软件推荐签署并向教育部退还了好的赌博软件推荐HEERF资金的学生部分的资助认证和协议,并使用ARP指定的适用金额的资金向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.

Seattle Pacific University has received a HEERF III allocation to provide emergency financial aid grants to students. 助学金可用于学生出勤费用的任何部分,也可用于因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care) or childcare. 学生必须有特殊需要,符合联邦佩尔助学金资格的学生将优先考虑. Unlike the previous HEERF awards, 无证学生和国际学生有资格获得ARP资助. This includes refugees, asylum seekers, DACA recipients, other DREAMers and similar undocumented students.

联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)是SPU确定特殊需求的主要方式, 但也有记录需求的选择,这些可能无法通过FAFSA获得.  

SPU received $3,822,170美元的紧急赠款,通过第三轮高等教育基金发放给符合条件的学生. 

As of September 30, 2021, $2,604,921.57 was allocated to eligible students. 

估计有资格获得紧急补助金的学生总数为3 437人. 

1,328 students received emergency grants.


Distribution process

1. Selected Student Recipients
a. Eligible Students
i. Undergraduates awarded Pell or Washington College Grant.
ii. 所有在2021年6月21日审查时未到期余额的学生.
b. Amounts:
i. Pell Grant or Washington College Grant eligible: $2,000.
ii. Past Due Students: Minimum of $1,000或在选择时逾期的金额,最高可达2美元,000.
c. Process
i. Notification began Thursday, June 24th.
ii. 学生收到一份授权表格,填写后可以选择将补助金支付给他们的账户或直接收到资金. To be completed by July 6th. The authorization included a certification of information, 确认不保证所欠SPU的资金和余额, and consequences of providing falsehoods. 没有回应的学生将直接获得资金.
2. Appeals
a. 在回应通知所要求的情况下,有能力提出上诉,要求作出专业判断, we received a number requests for appeals. 赌博十大靠谱软件在哪里确定上诉的理由符合获得HEERF-III资助的要求, we provided HEERF-III awards to these students.
b. As part of the appeal, 学生们被要求解释他们的特殊情况,特别是与冠状病毒引起的紧急费用有关的情况, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care) or childcare.
c. 学生可以要求具体的金额,但金额不能保证. Students who 收到的预选资金也被考虑用于上诉.
d. 基金资助委员会根据第三次基金资助准则审查并核准了上诉.
e. Approximately twenty-five awards ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 were made based on appeals prior to September 30.
f. 作为上诉过程的一部分,学生们收到了一份授权表格,需要填写,以选择将赠款支付给他们的账户或直接收到资金. The authorization included a certification of information, 确认不保证所欠SPU的资金和余额,  
a. 颁奖典礼于七月六日及七月二十日举行. 上诉的资金是在上诉完成后处理的.
b. 数额根据财政需要和可用资金而有所不同.
i. 佩尔助学金和华盛顿大学助学金获得者共获得2000美元.
ii. Students with past due balances received a minimum of $1,000, 或者他们的过期余额,最多不超过2美元,000.
iii. 上诉的学生会收到1000到5000美元不等的罚款,这取决于他们的具体情况.

December 2021 Update

截至2021年12月31日,作为HEERF-III的一部分,已向符合条件的学生分配了3,822170美元. 这是SPU收到的分发给学生的全部金额.


1,993 students received HEERF-III emergency grants.


Distribution process October – December

  1. Selected Student Recipients
    1. 没有收到任何HEERF/CARES资金的合格学生
    2. 有逾期余额的学生,如果在FAFSA上证明有特殊需要,或者是国际学生或无证学生,没有资格获得第一轮联邦Covid救济资金
    3. Amounts
      1. Pell students: $1,000, distributed on November 17th.
      2. 逾期学生:奖金从500美元到7500美元不等,在10月29日之间发放th and November 15th.
  2. Appeals
    1. 在回应通知所要求的情况下,有能力提出上诉,要求作出专业判断, we received a number requests for appeals. 赌博十大靠谱软件在哪里确定上诉的理由符合获得HEERF-III资助的要求, we provided HEERF-III awards to these students.
    2. As part of the appeal, 学生们被要求解释他们的特殊情况,特别是与冠状病毒引起的紧急费用有关的情况, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care) or childcare.
    3. 学生可以要求具体的金额,但金额不能保证. 获得预选资金的学生也被考虑上诉.
    4. 基金资助委员会根据第三次基金资助准则审查并核准了上诉.
    5. 根据9月30日之后的上诉,将获得从1000美元到7500美元不等的7项奖励.
    6. 作为上诉过程的一部分,学生们收到了一份授权表格,需要填写,以选择将赠款支付给他们的账户或直接收到资金. The authorization included a certification of information, 确认不保证所欠SPU的资金和余额, and consequences of providing falsehoods.
  3. Application for all eligible students
    1. 所有学生都可以通过填写申请表来申请紧急拨款.
    2. Students were permitted to complete one application.
    3. 申请的可用性通知发生在11月10日星期三.学生们被告知申请截止日期为周二, November 16th. A reminder was sent on Friday November 12th.
    4. 申请人可以确定需要帮助的成本/费用.
      1. Tuition/Fees
      2. Housing
      3. Food
      4. Travel
      5. Course Materials
      6. Technology
      7. Health Care
      8. Childcare
      9. Other
    5. 申请人可以提供额外的信息,有助于确定需求.
    6. 请求奖助金总额:请求的金额不保证,最高可能的奖助金为$1,000
    7. Authorization to pay account or directly to the applicant
    8. Certification of information, 确认不保证所欠SPU的资金和余额, and consequences of providing falsehoods.
    9. 获得联邦抗疫援助最少的学生在这一轮中被优先考虑. All applicants received an award. 奖金从300美元到500美元不等,于11月18日颁发th.
  4. SPU的HEERF III拨款已于11月18日前全部分配完毕th, 2021.