


In the Eighth Annual 社会创业计划比赛 (SVPC) at 好的赌博软件推荐, over half of the presenting teams had projects that were either centered on a mobile software application or addressed needs in Seattle’s Rainier Valley neighborhood.  然而, 当尘埃落定, the top few projects were once again those that showcased innovative tangible products.  展示活动, 年度SVPC的最后一场, 周三在西雅图州立大学校园里举行的, 4月16日, 2014.


最重要的项目是 声音的步骤他被选为价值3000美元的赫伯特. Jones Gr和 Prize winner by the combined votes of more than 75 judges representing the business, 非营利性的, 学术及专业团体.  动力公司. 获得第二名,赢得2000美元的先锋奖.  300多名学生, 教师, staff 和 guests voted for their favorite project of the afternoon 和 the Don Summers People’s Choice award of $500 was given to 垫脚石.

声音的步骤 mission is to help “amputees in developing nations ‘step’ out of poverty by providing them with the highest quality 和 most affordable lower limb prosthetics possible.“这只假脚是用旧轮胎制成的, 哪些可以在某些国家大量发现, 包括 声音步骤” 第一个提议的生产基地在南非.  因此, the project not only hopes to increase mobility (和 thus opportunity) for amputees, but also to recycle a product 和 remove it from the waste stream – two social goods for the price of one.  声音的步骤 was a collaboration between senior Business majors Stephanie Harold 和 Matthew Broman, 大三商务专业的Gabriella Serventi, senior Mechanical Engineering major Hannah Judd 和 senior Engineering major Natalie Harold.


动力公司. was the runner-up 和 winner of the Pioneer Prize presented by 先锋人力服务. 动力公司.最初的产品是Curilight, 由动能驱动的LED灯和UV净水器的组合.  动力公司. plans to market the Curilight to outdoor enthusiasts through retailers such as REI 和 Cabela’s.  希望成立营利性公司(或B-corp), 动力公司. plans to use 75% of net income to donate Curilights to villages in need in Swazil和, Africa.  的 动力公司. team was comprised of Accounting major Darci Curtin 和 Business majors Todd Carlson, 安德鲁·约翰逊和埃利·温斯洛, 都来自南帕的西北拿撒勒大学, 爱达荷州.

除了前两个奖项, 三个优秀奖,奖金1美元,各获奖人分别为:


Cerca would sell high-quality h和-woven baby wraps made by Guatemalan women using traditional Mayan designs. 通过为这个产品开辟一条通往更大市场的道路, the company would provide economic opportunity for indigenous women who are often marginalized today. Cerca 是商科大三学生克莱尔·弗雷德里克的作品吗, 全球发展研究专业的资深学生Jeff Abbott, senior Business major Hayley DeKlotz 和 senior Sociology 和 Global Development double-majors Nathan Nelson 和 Megan Herndon.


GCA莲花 开发了一种手套那, 当使用者佩戴时, can translate American Sign Language (ASL) into either text on a screen or audible words. 这种装置将为聋哑人打开沟通的大门, 也可以作为学习美国手语的工具. 的 GCA莲花 project was developed by senior Electrical Engineering major Clarence Rieu, 大三会计专业的Evan Eriksen, 高级应用人类生物学专业的Tori Speck, 高级物理教育专业的Briana Clarke, junior Interior Design major Alex Russell 和 freshman English major Alex Lee.


Sociphi is a mobile app designed to make it easier to find philanthropic organizations 和 opportunities that align with an individual’s passions 和 interests.  的 team’s desire is to increase giving 和 volunteering by making it easier to connect with the right causes.  Sociphi 是李维华的作品, 凯里Hunsaker, 克里斯蒂安·布拉沃和劳伦·罗杰斯, all students in SPU’s one year Master of Arts in Management – Social 和 Sustainable Management program.


今年的新项目是SPU和Urban Impact之间的合作, 这是西雅图雷尼尔山谷附近一个以信仰为基础的非营利组织.  Teams that presented projects focused on making a difference in the Rainier Valley were eligible for a separate $500 prize.  这个奖项的得主是 混合果汁, a proposal for a smoothie shop that would complement Urban Impact’s existing Rainier Health 和 Fitness business.  混合果汁 was the brain child of sophomore Business 和 经济学 double major Chris Herron, 全球发展研究专业大三学生杰西卡·米勒, 大三商科专业的Sarai Aguirre, senior Global Development Studies major Rebekah Harper 和 senior Business major Becca Harryman.

多年来,博士. Don Summers provided leadership for the 社会创业计划比赛 until his unexpected illness 和 death in 2012.  他的遗孀, 琳达的夏天, 还有堂的其他几个家庭成员, friends 和 former students joined together to create an endowment in Don’s name, 支持比赛.  为了纪念这笔新捐赠, 人民选择奖被命名为唐·萨默斯人民选择奖.


的 winner of the Don Summers People’s Choice Award was another Rainier Valley project, 垫脚石.  垫脚石 proposal was for a 非营利性的 employment agency that would provide skills development 和 exp和ed opportunities for people living on the margins in the Rainier Valley.  垫脚石 是商科大三学生克里斯蒂安·罗伊和杰夫·赖因杰斯的作品吗, junior Accounting major John Heffel 和 junior Business 和 Accounting double-major Addison Parker.

混合果汁 和 垫脚石, along with two other Rainier Valley projects will compete in a follow-on event, 海滩上的鲨鱼, 4月23日.  This “Shark Tank” style event will be hosted by Urban Impact at the Emerald City Commons at 7700 Rainier Ave S.  活动在下午6:30开始.m. 获胜者将获得额外的1000美元奖金.

今年是上海科技大学举办社会创业计划大赛的第八个年头.  17 teams presented at the Showcase event, comprising approximately 80 students.  竞争者来自SPU, 西北拿撒勒大学, 西雅图大学和华盛顿大学.  除了75多名社区评委, 300多名学生, 教职员工在人民选择投票中投票.

的 Showcase Round was the final leg of the 社会创业计划比赛. Earlier stages in the competition included a series of seminars on the basics of business planning, scoring of the teams’ written plans 和 coaching sessions with knowledgeable businesspeople, community leaders 和 other professionals about the student’s business ideas. In all, more than 150 community volunteers gave time as readers, instructors, coaches 和 judges.


Doug Deardorf, 总部位于丹佛的NiSoft首席执行官,SPU校友, 是第一次在今年的SVPC展示会上担任评委. Deardorf said “I really enjoyed participating in the event – I was most impressed by the students, 他们的工作和SVPC计划.  确实很酷.”

阿拉斯加航空集团的Chuck Simchuk, 一位长期为比赛做志愿者的人说:“我要祝贺你 声音的步骤.  I had the privilege of reviewing their excellent business plan – they really have a viable idea 和 I hope they execute their plan.”

Financial sponsors of the 社会创业计划比赛 include the Herbert B. 琼斯的基础, 斯科特和凯瑟琳·康明斯家庭基金会, 先锋人力服务, 费舍尔管道, Miir, 西北中心与技能, 公司.  的 competition is managed by the 应用学习中心 in the School of Business 和 经济学.