2022 SVPC Recap

As the COVID-19 pandemic began to wane, 大学举办第十六届社会创业计划比赛, 近三年来第一次回到现场展示. 学生团队为各种各样的社会问题制定了解决方案, from reducing carbon emissions, to chronic pain management, to vaccine distribution in the developing world. 许多项目的共同点是利用技术让世界变得更美好. The Showcase event, the finale of the annual SVPC, 发生在SPU校园的上格温公地, on the afternoon of Wednesday, April 13, 2022.

The My Monster Monitor team

The top project was My Monster Monitor, chosen as the $5,000 Herbert B. 由近60名代表该公司的评委共同投票选出的琼斯大奖得主, nonprofit, academic, and professional communities. Ultropia 获得了第二名,赢得了3000美元的亚军. Over the course of the day, hundreds of students, faculty, staff, 和社区成员参观展示并投票选出他们最喜欢的项目, giving the Donald B. Summers People’s Choice award of $1,000 to My Monster Monitor as well.

Team Ultropia

Nearly a quarter of a million children in the U.S. suffer from type 1 diabetes, 研究表明,如果孩子参与管理过程,这种疾病可以得到更好的控制. My Monster Monitor 正在开发一款应用程序,将繁琐的数据输入和追踪游戏化,以防止T1D的发生. The My Monster Monitor app creates games using fun, 怪物角色让孩子们了解自己的身体和疾病. The My Monster Monitor 团队成员包括工商管理专业的大四学生Faith Stehr, Manny Diaz, and Joshua Erme; junior business administration major Jeanell Vergara; senior visual communication major Jenna Rasmussen; and senior Lydia Porter, who has a self-designed music business major.

Ultropia 旨在促进全球清洁洗衣,同时减少水的使用和碳排放. 该团队正在开发第一台一体化超声波洗衣机和烘干机, and in so doing, 他们希望增加使用洗衣机的机会,改善卫生条件, all while providing a resource, energy, and time-saving product. Ultropia 由电气工程硕士科迪·伯克兰组成, 以及创业硕士学生劳埃德·迪斯, both from the University of Washington.


The GLOEN team

GLOEN has developed a remote-controlled, 太阳能驱动的推车将使发展中国家的卫生保健工作者能够在“最后一英里”将更多的冷藏疫苗带到偏远的村庄和其他社区. 这种推车将改进现有的解决方案,如更冷的箱子和背包. GLOEN 是全球发展研究专业大四学生克洛伊·韦森的作品吗, Vanessa Mosqueda, and Sophie Bilger; senior mechanical engineering majors Andrew Harper-Smith and Quan Nguyen; and senior electrical engineering major Deborah Tambunan.

The OneCourt Team

One Court 通过触觉(基于触摸的)反馈系统,增强视障人士在体育赛事中的体验,使他们能够实时体验游戏或比赛的空间关系. One Court was comprised of senior geography and data science major Antyush Bollini; senior electrical engineering major Clay Boyd; master’s of data science student Aaliyah Hänni; senior business administration major Michaela Isaacs; junior industrial design major Jerred Mace; and senior human-centered design major Katia Meuleman. All six are from the University of Washington.

Team Xpressive Tech

Xpressive Tech 相信当医生和病人就慢性疼痛进行更清晰、更少主观的沟通时,慢性疼痛可以得到更好的控制. 他们开发了一种可穿戴技术,可以量化疼痛反应, 从而为治疗对话创造了一个基线. The Xpressive Tech 该计划是由华盛顿大学的四名学生撰写并提交的:MBA候选人Khang To, Jeff Shuey, and Ian Kopp, along with MD candidate Kiarra Levesque.

今年是上海科技大学举办社会创业计划大赛的第十六个年头. 共有9支队伍参加了此次展示活动,共约40名学生. In the first round of the competition, 21 written business plans, 代表来自三所不同学校的近100名学生, were reviewed and scored by community partners.

A student presents for team Sesshin

“社会创业计划大赛”的最后一站是“展示轮”. 除了审查书面的商业计划, earlier stages in the competition included a series of seminars on the basics of business plan writing; engagement with graphic design students on branding for selected teams; and coaching sessions with knowledgeable businesspeople, non-profit executives, and others. 总共有100多名社区志愿者作为读者、讲师、教练和评委奉献了时间.

Becki Johnson, 退休的金融服务高管和志愿读者, 评论道:“能成为《赌博十大靠谱软件》的读者,我感到非常荣幸. 这太棒了,他们在这上面花了很多心思.”

A student presents for team Host

第一次志愿裁判和当地教育家凯伦·韦伯说, “这是一群了不起的学生——聪明的年轻人为未来闪耀着光芒! It was a blessing to serve as a judge.”

“所有参与者表现出的专业水平给我留下了深刻的印象, 学生们对项目的热情尤其令人振奋,” said returning volunteer judge Frances Walker, a social impact consultant, “请继续让我参加未来的高级副总裁比赛——祈祷明年赌博十大靠谱软件能再次面对面. 亲自与学生和他们的作品互动是如此不同!”

SVPC的财政赞助者包括赫伯特. Jones Foundation, 斯科特和凯瑟琳·康明斯家庭基金会, Tschetter Group, Bellmont Cabinets, Northwest Center, Eastlake Real Estate Partner, Highland Private Wealth Management, and Skills Inc. 该竞赛由商学院应用学习中心(CAL)组织, Government, and Economics (SBGE) at SPU.

Team photos by John Godek.