2024 SVPC Recap



美国好的赌博软件推荐(Seattle Pacific University) 14日下午举行了第18届社会创业计划大赛(SVPC)展示会, April 18, 2024. 学生团队为各种各样的社会问题制定了解决方案, both in the US and around the globe. From homelessness in Guatemala, to education in Laos, 可持续性移动手机充电器, 通过数据科学让政治家负起责任, 这些创新的想法解决了当今大学生心中的问题. 展示活动,SVPC的最后一场,发生在SPU校园的upper Gwinn Commons

Team Freya Maternity at winner circle

The top project was Freya Maternity, chosen as the $10,000 Herbert B. 由近60名代表该公司的评委共同投票选出的琼斯大奖得主, nonprofit, academic, and professional communities. Deploy-A-Pad获得了第二名,赢得了5000美元的亚军. Over the course of the day, several hundred students, faculty, staff, 和社区成员参观展示并投票选出他们最喜欢的项目, and the Donald B. The Village获得了1500美元的萨默斯人民选择奖.

孕妇装更有可能被丢弃,最终被填埋,因为大多数用户只是暂时需要它. The team behind Freya Maternity 诞生了孕妇装的新方法, 提出一项电子商务租赁服务,为孕妇提供时尚和可持续的选择,作为传统一次性购买的方便选择. The Freya Maternity 团队成员包括工商管理专业的大四学生Ava Dreon, Shawn Bowen, and Lauren Duisenberg; senior Business Administration and Accounting double major Canyon Farmer; junior Business Administration major Amelia Perez; and junior Global Development and Economics double major Haley Blain.

随着气候变化,海啸发生的频率越来越高, floods, and tropical storms, 对临时住所的需求从未像现在这样迫切. Deploy-A-Pad 寻求在自然灾害后提供一种更好的临时住所. The team has developed a small, 提供水电的便携式帐篷, and is designed for short to medium term use. 该组织建议将该产品出售给联邦应急管理局和其他政府机构,但也会向对离网生活感兴趣的消费者提供. Deploy-A-Pad consisted of senior Thomas Morton, double majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Appropriate and Sustainable Engineering; senior Valentino Guevara, a senior Mechanical Engineering major; and Cynthia Nguyen, 应用数学专业的大三学生, Financial Economics, and Honors Liberal Arts.


Team Deploy-A-Pad at booth


Team Intentions at booth

Substance abuse is on the rise, 恢复期患者的复发率徘徊在50%左右, even for those with access to treatment. Intentions正在开发一款手机应用程序,让那些从药物滥用中恢复过来的人能够收到量身定制的鼓励信息, 同时也有意地让他们与朋友保持联系, family, and support systems. 《好的赌博软件推荐》是计算机科学专业大四学生休士顿·屠的作品, and Arian Salehpour, 计算机科学与应用数学双学位.

芬太尼等危险的阿片类药物会在教室等公共场所留下残留物, airports, and Metro buses; only a small dose can be lethal. OPIO 制作了一种能中和阿片类药物残留的清洁产品, making public transit, and other public spaces safer. OPIO 是工商管理专业大四学生德鲁·斯旺森的作品吗.

Team Opio at booth
The Village Team members

The Village 认识到第一代大学生在接受教育方面面临障碍, including information on processes, financial aid, role modeling, and employment. Through a dedicated web platform, peer mentoring, and jobs board, 奥运村希望提高西雅图地区及其他地区第一代大学生的成功率! The Village 商业计划是由Viktoriya Prozapas撰写和呈现的, a senior double majoring in Accounting and Business Administration; Johnny Lo, a junior Business Administration major; Xavier Smith, a junior Economics major; Madison Raines, a junior Social Justice and Cultural Studies major; and Emilio Tolomei, a first year Business Administration major.

今年是上海科技大学举办社会创业计划大赛的第十八个年头. 11个团队在展示活动中展示了他们的想法,其中包括大约40名学生. In the first round of the competition, 20 written business plans, 代表来自四所不同学校的近80名学生, 由社区合作伙伴审查和评分.

“社会创业计划大赛”的最后一站是“展示轮”. 除了审查书面的商业计划, 比赛的早期阶段包括一系列赌博十大靠谱软件商业计划写作基础的研讨会,以及与知识渊博的商业人士的指导课程, nonprofit executives, and others. 总共有100多名社区志愿者作为读者、讲师、教练和评委奉献了时间.

Scott Hardman, a local investment banker, and a long-time volunteer Judge for the SVPC, 他说:“考虑到这个计划的创造力和团队对业务的考虑,弗雷亚是我的首选. 我把我的选票分散到其他几个人身上,但弗雷娅是杰出的.”

当地女商人,即将回国的琼·奥布莱恩法官, 评论道:“当我和这些聪明人交谈时,它真的让我相信未来掌握在好的手中, 热情的毕业生,有很多好主意. I know they’ll make the world a better place!”

SVPC的财政赞助者包括赫伯特. Jones Foundation, 斯科特和凯瑟琳·康明斯家庭基金会, Tschetter Group, Northwest Center, Highland Private Wealth Management, Pioneer Human Services, and Skills Inc. 该竞赛由商学院应用学习中心(CAL)组织, Government, and Economics (SBGE) at SPU.

Photos by John Godek