网络 is one of the most valuable career development skills you can have, especially since an estimated 80% of all jobs are filled through networking ——而且很多空缺职位都没有登广告. So it is well worth your time to develop a wide-ranging network of professional contacts. Your contacts can help you explore your calling, get leads on jobs and internships, and get hired. 不要低估强大人际网络的重要性!

网络 is more essential than ever in your internship and 找工作. 五分之四的工作和实习从未在网上发布过. 他们是通过网络获得的. We encourage you to take advantage of all the networking resources available to you including:

  • 揭秘网络视频
  • 网络策略分步指南
  • 网络邮件示例
  • 如何建立联系
  • 如何进行信息面试


Dysfunctional Belief: 网络 is just hustling people – it’s slimy.

重新定义: 人际交往就是问路.


网络 is a great way to learn and explore professional opportunities. 许多人担心人际关系是虚假的或交易性的, but when we understand it as asking for directions it's easier to see how it can be authentic and mutually-beneficial.



As you begin networking, it's useful to have different strategies for connecting with people. This video outlines what we call Inbound and Outbound 网络.



The Outsider Problem is what many people experience as they begin searching for new jobs or try to change industries. This video gives context to frame the two most powerful tools in designing your career: 网络 and Informational 面试ing.



Informational interviewing is a powerful way to create new opportunities. This video covers the essential elements of informational interviewing to help you learn, 找工作, 或者有效地“原型化”新体验.



没有想法? 使用 领英校友工具 帮助和了解过去的毕业生在哪里工作. (搜索 好的赌博软件推荐,然后点击 校友,然后输入你感兴趣的工作搜索词.)




  • 搜索公司网站.
  • If you can’t get the email address, you can start by reaching out over LinkedIn
  • Reach out to 5 people at once to move faster, since not everyone will respond.
  • 调查这个人.
  • 准备一个简短的自我介绍(大约1分钟), 你的背景, 以及他们的工作让你感兴趣的地方.
  • 提前准备问题 下面是信息面试问题的样本


  • 从谈论他们开始,以你自己结束 & 你想在谈话结束时说些什么
    • 你是怎么进入这个领域的?
    • 你最喜欢的是什么?
    • 你最不喜欢的是什么?
    • 这份工作最重要的技能是什么?
    • What advice do you have for someone starting out on this career path?
    • 在这个行业找到工作/实习的最好方法是什么?
    • What didn’t you know before you got into this industry that you wish someone had told you?
    • 你还能推荐我和谁谈谈吗?
    • 你介意我定期和你保持联系吗?
  • 在这里查看更多示例问题





I’m currently studying [Creative Writing] at 好的赌博软件推荐 and interested in learning more about the [publishing] industry. I'm writing because I know you're [an editor for Sasquatch Books], and I really admire [Sasquatch's niche work with Pacific Northwest and West Coast authors]. 如果你有时间的话, I was wondering if you’d be willing to share more about your experience there and elsewhere.

Would you possibly be willing to talk for 20 minutes over the phone or Zoom so I could hear more about your experience?

在接下来的两周内, 我星期五全天都有空, 和周二, 星期三, 及3点后的星期四].







亲爱的先生./Ms. 姓,

I'm a fellow SPU alum and learned on [LinkedIn] that you're a [Data Scientist] for [Boeing], and before that worked as a [Planning Analyst] for [Expedia] and [Verizon]. I'm reaching out because I'm considering [Data Science] as a potential new career, 我对你的丰富经验很感兴趣. 如果你有时间的话, I'd love the opportunity to get your insight on the field.

Would you by chance have 20 minutes to meet up for a short phone or Zoom chat?

If so, I could meet [any morning before noon] the next two weeks.

非常感谢您的时间和考虑. 我希望很快能和你联系!



  • 可以在第一封邮件4天后发送吗
  • 把电子邮件#1抄在下面



希望你这周过得顺利. I am very excited at the possibility of chatting with you briefly about your work.

I know you’re very busy and just wanted to ask: Could [next Weds or Fri after 3] possibly work for you for a 20-minute conversation?




  • 可以在第2封邮件后2天发送吗
  • 如果你收不到他们的邮件,你也可以从这个开始


我是SPU(计算机科学)专业的大三学生. I'm interested in [cloud gaming], and would love to learn more about your work at [Microsoft]. Would you be willing to have a 20-minute phone or Zoom conversation so I can hear more about your career path? 谢谢你的宝贵时间 & 考虑! (你的名字)

If you're reaching out to someone you're not yet connected to on LinkedIn:

  1. Have a message like this ready in advance (note it's a 300-character limit).
  2. 点击个人资料上的“连接”.
  3. 点击“添加注释”.
  4. 粘贴你的信息 & 点击“发送”.
  5. 当对方回应你的时候, you should get a message in your LinkedIn Message Inbox and your email connected to your LinkedIn account.
  • 可以发送3天后领英消息
  • 把你的简历以PDF格式附上
  • At this point, move on and reach out to (up to 5) new people, and start the cycle over with Email #1


I know you’re very busy, and I hope we might be able to connect sometime in the future.  

与此同时, I am still very interested in your work and your organization, 所以如果有机会出现在[公司名称], please keep me in mind or feel free to forward my attached resume to any colleagues.






非常感谢你昨天和我谈话. 我学到了很多,包括[]和[]. 它也给了我新的东西去思考,比如[]. 我现在对这个领域有了更好的了解, and really appreciate your time and you sharing your story with me.

[如果适用的话:] Thank you so much, too, for your willingness to stay in touch and offer to introduce me to [ ].

再次感谢! 和你谈话对我帮助很大!



Professional 网络: How To Add Value to Your Connections

一对一的关系网只有在双方都受益的情况下才有效. Follow these tips to avoid common networking faux pas and give your contacts something they want from the relationship.



Connecting with SPU alumni and industry professionals can help clarify and define career interests in a variety of fields while making valuable connections.  Being part of the SPU community means you are already part of an amazing global network!