国际学生: Frequently Asked Questions


What are SPU’s most popular majors?

Find SPU’s 10 most popular majors listed on the SPU的事实 页面. On that 页面 你’ll also find information about average class size, 学术项目数量, 种族多样性, 和更多的.

How many international students attend SPU?

上海科技大学的国际学生人数不多,但很活跃,目前约有180名本科生和60名研究生. Our international students represent about 45 different countries.

我不是基督徒. Would SPU still be a 好 choice for me?

SPU does not require that students be Christian. Students of 所有 faith backgrounds (和 no faith background) are welcome here! 然而, we want to be sure that 你 are aware that this is a Christian university, 和 that is a central part of who we are as a 社区.

你的老师可能会在基督教的框架内,从基督教的角度来对待他们的学科, 很重要的一点是,你要适应这一点,适应在基督教的环境中生活. 

当然,没有任何期望你自己成为基督徒——你作为另一种信仰的人在这里是绝对受欢迎的, 或者没有特别的信仰.

但是赌博十大靠谱软件会要求你们在SPU学习三门基督教基础课程,并准备好就信仰问题和议题进行公开讨论, both in 和 outside the classroom.

应用ing for Admission as an International Student

Can I begin at Seattle Pacific during any academic quarter?

欢迎国际申请者申请秋季入学, 冬天, 或春季学期. We do not admit new international students in the summer. 


Your essay will help the Admissions Committee better underst和 你. Your essay should be well-written, 300字及以上, 并告知委员会你的经历,以及你希望在好的赌博软件推荐和其他地方取得什么成就.

It is important that the essays be written by , without editing assistance from others. 赌博十大靠谱软件不期望非母语人士的写作是“完美的”,没有语法错误. 但赌博十大靠谱软件确实鼓励你校对你的文章,并提交你的写作的最好的例子.  

What do 你 consider when 你 read my application for admission?

  • We look at 你r GPA 和 test scores, 和 then we consider the kind of classes 你 took; if 你r grades are improving, 下降, 或者是一致的.
  • We read any recommendation letters (not required) that 你 may have chosen to submit.
  • 赌博十大靠谱软件观察你的活动 to see what 你 are doing with 你r time.
  • We consider how 你 will “fit” at SPU (i.e.为什么你有兴趣加入这个社区,你会带来什么独特的礼物).

所有这些信息都让赌博十大靠谱软件了解到你是一个独特的个体, 和 whether 你 are prepared for 好的赌博软件推荐. Be sure to fill out the application completely. 回答每一个问题,给赌博十大靠谱软件尽可能多的赌博十大靠谱软件你自己的信息. This is not the time to be shy. 这是可以的——事实上,它是 — to brag about 你rself 和 你r accomplishments!

When will I receive an admission decision?

  • If 你 are a first year applicant 并在提前行动截止日期(11月1日)前完成你的文件,你应该在1月份听到.
  • If 你 apply for regular admission, 你 will likely hear in March.
  • If 你 are a transfer applicant, 你可以在完成申请的四周内收到赌博十大靠谱软件的回复.

If 你 have any questions about 你r application, feel free to contact 本科招生 或者是 international admissions counselor 直接.


如果你的背景中有特殊的情况,而这些情况在你的申请中没有明显体现, an interview can be a 好 way to bring them to our attention. If 你 live far away 和 cannot visit campus, 你 can schedule an interview over Zoom with 你r admissions counselor.

What if I am denied admission to SPU?

Denying students is difficult. But we want the best for every student 和 that sometimes means saying no. Some students who have been denied admission re所有y still want to be at SPU, 赌博十大靠谱软件建议他们在另一所学校完成至少30个可转移的大学水平的季度学分,然后赌博十大靠谱软件,让赌博十大靠谱软件重新评估他们的申请. 其他学生就读于他们名单上的另一所学校,并从那所学校毕业. 无论哪种情况,赌博十大靠谱软件都希望你有动力完成大学学位.

Should I take the SAT 或者是 ACT?

国际学生不需要提交SAT或ACT成绩.  然而, 一年级申请者, particularly native English speakers, are encouraged to submit SAT/ACT scores, as they can enhance their application. 

If 你 choose to take one of these achievement tests, we recommend that 你 sit f或者是 test at least two times (two SATs, 两个行为, 或两者之一).  We will consider only 你r top score.

I am a native speaker of English. Do I still need to send an English proficiency test score?

No. Native English speakers do not need to show English proficiency. 如果小学和中学都在澳大利亚接受教育,那么SPU认为国际学生是“以英语为母语的人”, 加拿大(魁北克除外), 英国, 爱尔兰, 新西兰, 或者是美国.S. (波多黎各除外).

SPU不要求国际学生提交SAT或ACT考试成绩. 然而, 强烈鼓励以英语为母语的第一年申请者参加SAT或ACT并提交官方分数, 因为这些分数为你的学术能力和成就提供了额外的证据.

Do I need to show English proficiency?

Yes, if English is not 你r first language. For complete information about proficiency requirements, read the international student application process.


如果你没有达到赌博十大靠谱软件的最低英语水平标准,赌博十大靠谱软件将不会考虑你的全部录取. We would be glad to consider 你 for conditional admission to the university, pending future satisfaction of this requirement. 然而, we cannot issue an I-20 to condition所有y admitted students.


Are tuition costs higher for international students?

No. 作为一所私立综合性大学,好的赌博软件推荐提供同样的服务 学费利率 to in-state, out-of-state, 和 international students. 

Does SPU offer a “full ride” scholarship?

No. SPU不提供任何将覆盖学生100%教育费用的经济支持. 赌博十大靠谱软件的优秀Scholarships是慷慨的,在某些情况下会覆盖学生每年学费的很大一部分. 但是赌博十大靠谱软件不能提供全额经济支持的Scholarships.

Do I need to send financial documents as part of my application?

No. 赌博十大靠谱软件不需要财务文件作为入学申请的一部分. 但是,如果您被SPU录取,赌博十大靠谱软件将要求您提供经济资源证明.

美国.S. 国务院要求国际学生提供足够的资金证明,以支付他们一年的教育和生活费用的估计总额. We cannot issue an I-20 until we have received that financial documentation.

What Scholarships are available for international students?

国际学生 are eligible for most of the merit Scholarships 在赌博十大靠谱软件的网站上.

There are no deadlines f或者是 majority of these Scholarships, 因为大多数学生不需要单独提交申请(除非在Scholarships描述中注明)。. As long as 你 apply by the regular admission deadline, 你 will meet the deadline for scholarship consideration.


A few special Scholarships do require a separate application — the 美术Scholarships例如:.

有一些Scholarships是国际学生没有资格申请的, but those are Scholarships funded by state or federal money. In the descriptions of those types of Scholarships, 它规定,学生接受者必须是美国公民或符合条件的永久居民.S. 待考虑.

请注意,SPU不向国际学生提供基于需求的经济援助. 赌博十大靠谱软件也不提供全额支付学生学费的Scholarships.


I have taken English 101 at my college. Do I still need to send an English proficiency test score?

赌博十大靠谱软件将免除符合以下条件的转学申请者的英语水平考试成绩要求 所有 下列标准之一:

  1. Have an over所有 transfer GPA of 3.0/“B”或更高;
  2. Have completed English composition I 二级,成绩3分.0/“B”或更高 每一个 类;
  3. 在转学之前是否已经完成了AA学位或两年的大学水平的学习.

对于在美国获得地区认可/认可的学院或大学获得学士学位或更高学位的后学士学位申请人,赌博十大靠谱软件也将免除考试要求.S., Canada, Australia, 新西兰, the United Kingdom, or 爱尔兰.

读了 frequently asked questions for transfer students.